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5 Unique Gift Ideas For Any Occasion

Posted by Marija Mrvosevic on

5 Unique Gift Ideas For Any Occasion

While finding that perfect gift for your friends and family is fun and fulfilling, getting there can cause a headache. Especially If you’ve already exhausted your options for the year. The Leprosy Mission Shop aims to offer unique gifts you can order easily.

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Your love for handmade products restores lives like Anju and Rina's!

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Your love for handmade products restores lives like Anju and Rina's!
Anju and Rina love to run round with their friends and play cooking games. In Bangladesh, young girls enjoy copying their mothers in their play. Some mothers in their community work casually at a tea plantation, but the rest of their time is spent at home caring for their families.

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Your Gifts of Love help students like Parvarti

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Your Gifts of Love help students like Parvarti

Students like Parvarti thank you for helping them find love and acceptance despite leprosy. Consider a Gift of Love or donation with every purchase.  “I would never wish leprosy on anybody, but especially as a girl.  It impacts your marriage prospects and how people look at you. When I first found out I had leprosy, I was scared. I knew about the stigma. When I first told my friends, they made fun of me and teased me.   After treatment through The Leprosy Mission, my friends saw me recover and were happy for me.       I am part...

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Empower women like Sabita!

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Empower women like Sabita!

Your shopping helps Sabita care for her family! Sabita works hard, hand-stitching textiles to earn money for her family. Her husband used to work in another country but came back to Nepal for his family. He has struggled to find work since then, so they take care of their 10-year-old son with just one income. They saved up money and took out a loan to buy a taxi. Now Sabita’s husband could work! But then — COVID lockdowns hit. A caring mother wants to do anything she can to help her family — but sometimes, it’s hard to see what she...

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No child should have their childhood stolen by leprosy

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

No child should have their childhood stolen by leprosy

Sadly, this is what happened to Rhitik. He is still in Grade 5, even though he’s 13 — just one year ahead of his 10-year-old sister. Because nobody knew he had leprosy, he spent a lot of time in hospital, with doctors trying to understand what was making him suffer. No child should have to go through something like that.    Around 4 years ago, Rhitik found an ulcer on his right big toe. It stopped him from doing a lot of things. Rhitik loves to play cricket and football — but it became difficult to particiapte. His friends would ask...

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