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How Bees Are Helping People With Leprosy in Nepal (Impact)

When Bel got leprosy, it attacked his body. He was left with physical disability, which made it hard for him to take care of his family.

“I have very little arable land,” Bel tells us. “The production is not enough for the whole year. I was having difficulty managing the financial situation.”

Bel was talking about his problems with a friend, who had a suggestion. What if Bel took up beekeeping? It takes less physical exertion to produce the same value. Bel was inspired!

He proposed the business to his local cooperative that he was supported to join - formed by the IMPACT project – and they loved it! They approved his proposal and loaned him money to buy his beehive and bees.

That year, Bel produced over 20kg of honey! He was able to repay the loan, increase the number of hives and is now producing more than 3 times as much! Since starting his new business, Bel has been able to save 5 times more money each month!

“This business has helped me, for household expenses as well as my treatment,” he says.

After seeing Bel’s success with the project, the cooperative wanted to expand this idea to other people! The local government has provided subsidies for the program. Twenty beehives have already been provided!


This is where you come in! You can give a Gift of Love to provide everything somebody affected by leprosy needs to start their beekeeping business! Your $60 gift can grow into a self-sufficient business that will provide for people like Bel and their families!

Now Bel is one of five people supporting themselves with a honey business — and that number can keep growing! All they need is a little help from people like you — and some bees!

Gift a Beekeeper Starter Kit today!