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Easter is a time for new beginnings and hope, and what better way to celebrate than with our Easter collection from the Leprosy Mission Shop? Our collection features a variety of handcrafted items, including beautiful Easter eggs, traditional Easter bunnies, and colourful spring decorations.

Each item in this collection has been carefully crafted by skilled artisans, many of whom have been affected by leprosy themselves. By purchasing from our shop, you're not only supporting these artisans and their families but also helping to fund vital research and services to help those affected by leprosy.

Our Easter collection is a perfect way to add a touch of joy and colour to your home this Autumn while supporting a great cause. From brightly coloured eggs to charming rabbit figurines, our collection has something for everyone.

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With every purchase, you help!

Cure & Care for people affected by leprosy & disability
Provide dignified source of income for people impacted by leprosy & poverty
Provide livelihoods for artisans facing poverty
Support sustainable products & practices
Support Australian suppliers & local businesses
Support Fair Trade & Anti-slavery initiatives