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Rhitik is now on the road to recovery!

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Rhitik is now on the road to recovery!

Do you remember Rhitik? We shared his story with you a little while ago.  Around 4 years ago, Rhitik found an ulcer on his right big toe. It caused him a lot of pain, and stopped him from doing a lot of things. His friends would ask why he couldn’t play with them, and he had to tell them he was injured. It’s been years now since he was able to join in with them, and it makes Rhitik upset that he is unable to play.  Leprosy had infected the bone in his foot. Rhitik travelled to The Leprosy Mission...

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Your shopping transforms lives like Binda's this Winter

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Your shopping transforms lives like Binda's this Winter

How your shopping builds a bright future for Binda’s family! The effect you can have lasts years into the future! Your shopping and Gifts of Love can build a bright future for people. This is what it was like for Binda and her family. Binda’s husband was affected by leprosy, and so the two of them struggled to find work. One of the producers you support, New SADLE, offered both of them work. Now, 15 years later, Binda has been a dedicated weaver, making products to sell to people like you in Australia! Together, Binda and her husband make enough...

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Introducing our Angel Artisan – Jaya!

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Introducing our Angel Artisan – Jaya!

When we visited producer groups in Bangladesh recently, we found Jaya making a string of angels out of Parthi grass. She was putting beads onto the angels to form their heads. She can make approximately 15 angels in one day. Jaya and her coworkers also make baskets, coasters, hats, and other Christmas decorations. Jaya has been working with this producer group for the past 25 years. A lot has changed since she started. Her husband passed away many years ago, which meant she had to take on all the responsibility for the family’s finances. Thanks to the training and income...

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You can help protect girls like Urmila

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

You can help protect girls like Urmila

When Urmila was 11, she was diagnosed with leprosy. She felt devastated. It attacked the nerves in her hands and feet. It stole away her ability to feel with them. She didn’t notice when sharp stones ripped through her shoes, and tore her skin. These cuts soon became infected and ulcerated. Urmila could barely walk. Her foot had an ulcer that just wouldn’t go away. She spent months in hospital, and fell even further behind in school. Can you imagine how different it might have been, if Urmila had protective shoes to keep her feet safe? If she had been...

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Thank you for the joy you bring to women living in leprosy communities

Posted by Crystal Nguyen on

Thank you for the joy you bring to women living in leprosy communities

Your compassion creates champions like Sunitha. Sunitha has been living in a leprosy community in India all her life. Both of Sunitha’s parents had leprosy and she still lives with them. Her husband abandoned her many years ago leaving Sunitha to raise their children on her own. Sunitha was unable to complete high school but has trained in handloom weaving and leather technology through her leprosy community association. The piece items and bags she makes are sold for you to buy! Sunitha has supported her daughters through high school and higher studies. One of them is now a beautician, the other,...

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