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NEW Gift of Love for people like Bajrangi (Impact)

You Can Provide the Gift of Going Home to people like Bajrangi

Bajrangi is staying in the self-care unit at Anandaban Hospital right now. Though his leprosy is cured, the hospital he was treated at did not teach him proper self-care. Because of this, he has returned to hospital again and again. With the support of people like you, Bajrangi can have the gift of Going Home.

27 years ago, Bajrangi was diagnosed with leprosy. The hospital diagnosed him, and gave him MDT. It cured him, but several years later, Bajrangi noticed that a wound in his leg refused to heal.

He went back to the hospital, again and again, over three years. But nobody thought that it might be linked to leprosy.

“I would go to the hospital. They would change my dressing and send me back home,” Bajrangi tells us. “I always thought, since I have finished my medication for leprosy, it should not cause any further problems.”

Bajrangi had no idea that there were complications that come even after being cured. The hospital hadn’t taught him how to care for himself properly. Thankfully, he went to an ulcer screening camp run by Leprosy Mission members in Nepal. They brought him to the self-care unit.

At the Self-Care Unit, Bajrangi and others are taught how to prevent and take care of injuries. They can access physiotherapy and counselling. They can receive assistive tools to help their disability. They can also learn practical skills, like farming, cooking and cleaning.

This is what you can provide when you give the Gift of Going Home. This new Gift of Love funds one person’s entire stay at the Self-Care Unit. Everything they need to safely and smoothly reintegrate when they go home.

As his stay comes to an end, Bajrangi is excited to go back home. He enjoyed staying in the new Self-Care Unit (funded by people like you!), but he hopes that he will not need to come back to hospital again. He is excited about his Gift of Going Home.

Transform a life through the Gift of Going Home!