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What Kind of Cure Can You Give This Christmas? (Impact)

Leprosy can be cured — and that is wonderful! But a cure doesn’t stop with Multi-Drug Therapy. There are women like Hira, who face complications and severe reactions from leprosy. And their cure involves a lot more.

Hira is a single mother. Her husband left to work in another country, and she hasn’t heard from him in 12 years. One of her sons is finishing up his schooling, but her younger boy had to drop out. They couldn’t afford to pay his tuition.

3 years ago, Hira thought she was having an allergic reaction. Her face was patchy, her neck ached, and her appetite came and went strangely. After a few referrals, she was confident that it could only be leprosy.

She knew she would face discrimination. Hira just wanted to be able to do work, support her family, without having complications. But even after MDT, she is having severe reactions.

When she left the hospital, she started to feel sick. She had fever, loss of appetite, vomiting and fainting. She returned to hospital. Then she developed severe pain, and got blisters all over her arms. She returned to hospital again.

Hira is scared that she won’t be able to have a normal life. Her painful reactions to treatment are keeping her from reintegrating. As she tells us about her feelings, she can’t stop the tears from running down her face.

You can help people just like Hira. Your Gift of Love of a Cure Package doesn’t just provide diagnosis and treatment with MDT. It helps them access the medical care they need throughout their treatment. It gives comfort and healing to people like Hira, who are struggling through treatment.

Hira is being cared for now at Anandaban Hospital. Your Gift of Love can let others join her there — and be cured, completely, with love and care.

Purchase a Gift of Love - Cure Package to transform the life of someone like Hira!